I made Semira a Winnie the Pooh cake and discovered something for myself. Decorating cakes is nowhere near as easy as the people on TV make it look. I don't think it turned out too horrible for my first attempt at cake decorating, but he was kind of a neon orange Pooh. In any case, all but the red shirt part tasted good. I need to throw out my red food coloring and try the no-taste red when I do this cake again. I don't understand how such a small amount of food coloring can turn frosting, which is mostly sugar, into a bitter atrocity.
She's standing so well now. It takes her no time at all to pull herself up to standing. Here, she's watching her doggie sisters play in the back yard during her party. It's so neat to watch her learn new things every day. Who knew a little girl could be so fascinating? Her newfound mobility is making time in the kitchen much more challenging though. She either scoots around in her walker running over my feet or tripping me, or she pulls herself up by hanging onto the back of my pants so I can't move and I can't reach her to pick her up.
The birthday girl is working on her bigger teeth now so she's been a bit cranky and clingy. I can feel bumps on her gums all the way back to where her molars are, so it's likely to be a few weeks before those pesky gums stop hurting her. It appears that after waiting until she was 11 months old to start teething, she's going to continue non-stop until all of her teeth are in. Poor kid. I think I need to buy stock in Infant Tylenol and Baby Orajel.
Happy Birthday Semira!!!!
Great job on the cake and Semira liked the taste.....the first bite of sugar!
Let me know the next time you are in Austin. We would love to meet Semira in person. We will try and make it up to Dallas before long for an Ethiopian Dallas babies get together.
Happy Birthday Semira!!!! What fun!!! By the way, one of Abebe's assistants carries her picture around with her and she told us that she was her very favorite and that she misses her very much :)
Look how cute the tiara is...her Aunt Merritt is one smart cookie.
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